Rename files from the command line

Rename files from the command line either using the plain rename command, perl-rename or shell tricks.


First things first:

rename --help
man rename

Using Bash

Rename directories. Just give ascending numeric names, starting from 21 (pks from a db):

$ ls
2958/  3157/  3158/  3303/  3390/  4005/  4006/  4007/  4754/  4814/  4918/  4996/  5367/  6726/

$ c=21; for d in */; do printf -v name '%03d' $c; mv "$d" "$name"; ((c++)); done

$ ls
021/  022/  023/  024/  025/  026/  027/  028/  029/  030/  031/  032/  033/  034/

Recursively renamve blah..blah.txt to blah.blah.txt (this is the plain rename command, not the perl-rename one):

find . -exec rename '..' '.' {} \;

Lowercase every filename:

for f in *[[:upper:]]*; do mv -- "$f" "${f,,*}"; done

Replace whitespace with underscores recursively:

find . -name '*.txt' -exec 's/ /_/g' {} \;